Hore ↑

Museum advisory concil

The Museum Council was established in 2015 to support the mission and activities of the museum. The Museum Council acts as an advisory body. The members of the museum council may be professional employees of the museum, of the town hall, of the cultural center and experts from scientific disciplines and departments, which are represented in the museum's collection fund. They can also be the inhabitants of the town of Senica and the surrounding region, who, with their professional knowledge and experience, can make a qualified contribution to the development of the museum's activities.

The Museum Council originally had seven members. After the death of its member, Mr. PhDr. Štefan Mocko, new members have joined its ranks. The museum council currently has nine members.


Members of the Museum Council:

Ján Hromek

Mgr. Ľubica Kadlec Melišová

RNDr. Ľubica Krištofová

Mgr. Tomáš Motus

Ján Peter

Mgr. Vladimír Petrovič

Stanislav Prokeš

RSDr. Ján Pukančík

Mgr. Martin Rosa

členovia muzealne rady sedia pri stole

zdroj mesto senica: https://senica.sk/clanok/muzejna-rada-s-novymi-clenmi

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