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About the muesum


The Senica Museum works as a regional museum, whose goal and mission is to protect, document and preserve cultural heritage for future generations. It focuses its scientific research, documentation, presentation, publishing and educational activities on archeology, history, ethnography, art, nature and personalities from the town of Senica and the surrounding region.

In 2017, the city of Senica bought the last building of historical significance, which has been preserved on its territory. The aim was to build a city museum in it and to reconstruct an important building, which reflected the passage of time and unprofessional construction activity.

In the 1960s, a large Senice district was established, which also included today's districts of Skalica, Myjava and part of the district of Malacky. This period of the city's history brought huge building growth and an influx of new inhabitants. The town of Senica became a modern district town at that time. The building development also brought the city a negative in the form of demolishing the original historical character of the city. During the period when it was planned and thought of "brighter tomorrows", it was forgotten that the town of Senica had a significant and rich history. The original history has been demolished. The new inhabitants who came from various parts of Czechoslovakia did not know it. Senica´s history has been partially forgotten. One of the reasons was the fact that there was no cultural institution in the town of Senica, such as a museum that would document the regional history. Much of the knowledge about Senica's regional history has been preserved, mainly thanks to local enthusiasts. One of the most important was the Senica polyhistor Vladimír Jamárik (1921-2011), who repeatedly pointed out the need for such an institution. With the opening of the museum in 2020, the dream of many supporters and enthusiasts of regional history, which lasted for more than 50 years, came true.

Only two original historic larger buildings survived the period of the city's transformation under socialism. The first was the Kálman manor house, which today houses the Záhorská Gallery of Ján Mudroch, and the second was the Sokolovňa building, which was originally the summer house of the landowner IštvánVagyon.

In 2017, the city of Senica bought the last building of historical significance, which has been preserved on its territory. The aim was to build a city museum in it and to reconstruct an important building, which reflected the passage of time and unprofessional construction activity.

During the tour, the visitor of the museum can learn many interesting facts about the history of Senica. Three permanent exhibitions will take him from the earliest times of Senice prehistory through the period when Senica was founded on the „Czech road“, to life in the town in the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century.

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